What you can get rid of
● Face puffiness● Nasolabial folds● Sagging jowls
● Under eyes bags● Crow's feet● Droopping eyelids
● Neck lines● Double chin● Neck sagging
● Frown 11 lines● Forehead lines● Face asymmetry
Manual correction has no contraindications in most cases, and the cosmetic effect is visible after the first week.
I am always confident in the result, because more than 1500 women have passed my courses and individual sessions.
You’ll get the effect and the result for a long time with regular exercise and this gets you into WOW condition.
We take balanced approach, we work with the face, neck, chest and posture.
Learn how to perform a complex on posture, thoracic region and neck
Result: a beautiful, elongated neck with correct statics, even shoulders, improved skin nutrition, fresh complexion, reduction / disappearance of back pain
Learn effective lymphatic drainage techniques
Result: improving lymph flow, eliminating face puffiness, under eyes bags, double chin, sagging jowls and smoothing the nasolabial folds
Learn how to work out muscle spasms and clamps, relieve residual muscle spasms and return them to their original calm state
Result: softening of mimic wrinkles, improvement of blood microcirculation in the face area, lifting
Deep workout of the sagging jowls, double chin
Result: face harmonization, prevention and elimination of aging signs — nasolabial folds, drooping eyelids
What I have prepared for you for these 21 days
● introductory lecture● wake up complex● complex for opening the thoracic region● techniques for the correct neck statics, relieving tension and eliminating stoop● deep techniques for relieving spasms in the periphery of the face● helpful information on how to integrate techniques into your lifestyle● bonus techniques with the use of Guasha and vacuum cups (Comfort and Extensive plans)
● wake up complex● techniques for the neck, posture and shoulders● maps of facial muscles● a set of techniques for the upper part of the face (smooth the forehead, erase eleven lines and lift upper eyelids)● a set of techniques for the lower part of the face (double chin, sagging jowls, marionet lines)● a set of techniques for the middle part of the face (nasolabial folds, puffiness, lifting)● a set of techniques for eyes (drooping upper eyelids, crow's feets, under eyes bags)● helpful information ● bonus techniques with the use of Guasha and vacuum cups (Comfort and Extensive plans)
● wake up complex● techniques for the neck, posture and shoulders● maps of facial muscles● a set of techniques for the upper part of the face (smooth the forehead, erase eleven lines and lift upper eyelids)● a set of techniques for the lower part of the face (double chin, sagging jowls, marionet lines)● a set of techniques for the middle part of the face (nasolabial folds, puffiness, lifting)● a set of techniques for eyes (drooping upper eyelids, crow's feets, under eyes bags)● helpful information ● bonus techniques with the use of Guasha and vacuum cups (Comfort and Extensive plans)● instructions on how to use the techniques after the course● Master class "Clear facial contour" (in recording) (Comfort and Extensive plans)● Master class "Improving the eye area" (in recording) (Extensive plan)● Mini course of "Aesthetic taping" (BONUS. Access after submitting a before/after photo or video review of the course, with permission to post them on my pages and sites)
About course authorOksana Andreeva
● lisenced beauty therapist● practicing specialist in aesthetic cosmetology center «Natura Este»● for over 12 years I have been teaching my clients how to maintain the beauty of the face and body without injections, plastic surgeries and medical manipulations● author of natural rejuvenation method «Mioplasticmethod»● Ornella Muti's Natural rejuvenation Beauty Coach● more than 1300 women and men have already switched to the side of natural rejuvenation with me
Choose the best plan for you and join us
Marathon 3 weeks program (70 exercises)Techniques with Guasha and vacuum cups (10 exercises)Master class "Clear facial contour" (in recording)Super cheat sheet with exercise description Access after purchase 4 months
BonusMini course on taping (10 applications) (access after submitting a before/after photo or video review of the course)
Extensive $465 $199
Marathon 3 weeks program (70 exercises)Techniques with Guasha and vacuum cups (10 exercises)Сhat with me Master class "Clear facial contour" (in recording)Master class "Improving the eye area" (in recording)Two 1 hour individual sessions with meSuper cheat sheet with exercise description Access after purchase 4 months
Bonus Full course on taping (20 applications) Washing and cream application ritual that gives an instant lifting effect